

Shadowgrasp (Event/Quest)

Category: Ability
Species: Stelciar

Void corruption visibly marks Stelciars with lingering shadows, appearing as extra arms/hand-looking things or darkened body parts. This mutation not only changes their look but also increases aggression and leads to uncontrollable tendencies in affected Stelciars.

In stages 1 and 2 the Shadows parts should appear as solid black or a dark color. In stage 3 Shadow arms should be the same as the Stelciars fire.

Stage 1 - Corrupted: Bodies covered in the void's darkness. They will be aggressive and can't control their Shadow arms.
Stage 2 - Compromised: Less aggressive, can sometimes control the Shadow's arms.
Stage 3 - Overcome: Shadow's hand becomes a part of their fire. They can control Shadow's hands and use them as extra arms. In this stage, the Shadow arms can be visible or invisible as the Stelciar wishes.
Stelciars who haven't overcome the corruption will be transformed into the void...
This trait can be acquired by participating in the void event.

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