Site News
Monarch Festival, Breeding and February Fun!
Posted 1 week ago :: Last edited 1 week ago by Fumi03What did one volcano say to the other?
I lava you <3
Event Leader Board
The Monarch Festival crowns the top three comet dust collectors each year. The Monarch's Crown goes to the highest collector, becoming the leader of Nebula Island and spreading love’s magic
This is an award that is given 1 each each year! After earning this award, it can be attached to the character and appear in the Character masterlist.
Star Monarch festival
It's that time of year again, time for Stelciar to seek our partners and bring more Stelciar into Colsentia!
To learn more about breeding and Nebula Island, check out here!

Here is an explaination on how breeding works!
Custom breeding page can be found: Here
MYO breeding page can be found: Here

Event Shop
The event shop is now open!
Here, you can use comet dust to buy items.
Exploring Nebula Island
Remember, Nebula Island exploration is open for the festival! You can get many broken potions, which can be crafted into full potions and then used to boost trait rates in breeding. You also may find Comet shards while exploring; these can be crafted into comet dust.
You can craft the broken bottles into full bottles, and Comet shards into Comet dust in the crafting area.
Monarch Collectables

Like last year, we will have new items for members to collect this year. You can include these items in prompts to gain extra matchboxes/rewards
You will find these items in the Nebula Island exploration area!
Collecting them all will give you the Monarch Collectable Border 2024.
Monthly Prompts
these 4 prompts will last 2 months!
Perfect Date (Main prompt)
Festival Love
A Stellar Stall
Confusing Comet Dust
We have entered spring once again and we say goodbye to Toffee Nut Latte and hello to
These seasonal drinks can be found while exploring or doing the one-time seasonal prompt.
Use this drink to craft our Spring banner or one of the Spring seasonal traits for both Stelciar and Phosray.
Credits: Heart Divider by pixelated-hearts@DA
Happy new yearrrrrr
Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by Fumi03Happy New Year to every @Colsentia citizen
Colsentia MAP release!
Check out the expanded page for more information about each area
World setting page and world expanded page will be combined soon.
Check World Expanded for general information:
Check Location for area information:
Shop descriptions (shop's lore) are now added!
other information about the world of Colsentia will be released through out the year!
New trait
From now on, Stelciar's Fire will require this mutation if it has any marked design on its wings. Older Stelciars that has marked on its wings will automatically receive this mutation at no cost. Stelciar MYO designs that are currently submitted and in the queue and will gain this trait for free.
Items Redesign and Relore include:
Phosray upgrade options:
Void fight potions:
Fruity Fall Confections RaffleS
Continue with winter!
These seasonal drinks can be found while exploring or from doing the one time seasonal prompt.
Use this drink to craft our winter banner, or one of the Winter seasonal traits for both Stelciar and Phosray.
We are also in our Winter Styling prompt.
our Christmas tree

Thank you everyone for participate in Ornaments O' Plenty prompt!
Our Christmas tree looks so colorful!
Little Den
My happy place
Credits: Snowflake Divider by Yellow-K9@DA
Happy Holidays - December
Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Fumi03What often falls in the winter, but never gets hurt?
Log in every day from the 1st to the 25th of December and collect your daily gift.
To get the special surprise gift at the end of the advent you have to sign in every day and collect!
We wanted to thank you all for a wonderful first year on the site for our species. It's the community who keeps us going. We have some big big things planned for 2025 but to end out 2024, we are giving away some really good items. You will be able to see all the items available in the dailies link (click the snowflake) and what day they arrive.
Remember our site runs on a specific timezone (UTC).
The dailies reset every day at 4:00 PM PST / 5:00 PM MST / 6:00 PM CST / 7:00 PM EST
If you are in any other location please consult the time clock. Remember that DST is not in effect right now so roll over is NOT 00.00.00 it's 01.00.00 at the moment.
Fruity Fall Confections RaffleS
Stelciar have been randomly sent out to each person. Thanks for playing!
We Have another Raffle!! : Snow raffle
This gorgeous Stelciar is for raffle. You can buy raffle tickets for 5SS each in our Secret Shop. Limit of 5 tickets per person.
Please click open the ticket to self-enter the raffle. Please check here to see if you are on the raffle list.
We are officially out of Autumn and are diving into Winter. This comes with some exciting changes to the site.
We say goodbye to our Pumpkin Spice Latte's until next year and welcome our Toffee Nut Latte in it's place.
These seasonal drinks can be found while exploring or from doing the one time seasonal prompt.
Use this drink to craft our winter banner, or one of the Winter seasonal traits for both Stelciar and Phosray.
We are also in our Winter Styling prompt.
Christmas Collectables

This year our Christmas collection was designed by PM. Can we give them a round of applause for these adorable items??
This year is a little different to obtain these collectables. Maybe Santa will have a say in how you get them. Or if you are adventageous in being on the site daily you can get yourself a set of these.
Collecting them all will be like last year. You can use them to finish a collection to get a special border only available by completing the collection. You do NOT lose the items when you turn in the collection.
A Letter from Santa
Ornaments O' Plenty
Walking Down Memory Lane
Enjoying a Christmas Feast
Credits: Snowflake Divider by Yellow-K9@DA
November Newsletter
Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Fumi03Why does everyone think November is a pessimist?.
Because it always starts things off with a "no"!
🍂🍂 Welcome into the final stretch of the year 🍂🍂
And welcome back to our montly newsletter. Our mods took October to take a small break after the big void event. We want to thank everyone for making the Void event spectactular! It was an amazing and very active event and we are looking forward to the new year to plan other big events like that. We are at the final stretch of the year and have some things being planned for Christmas and the new year.
🍁🍁 Fall Seasonal 🍁🍁
November is the last month to get the Autumn seasonal drink from the once a season quest and daily exploration. Once the season changes in December you will be able to get these drinks again next year.
The pumpkin spiced latte can be used to craft the Autumn Catnip Filled Fish, Autumn in a bottle, and Autumn border.
Autumn Catnip Filled Fish grants one Stelciar Autumn mutation: Polymelia.
Adds extra limbs to Stelciar's body. The extra limbs can be the head, arms, legs, and ears. This mutation can only be brought in Autumn (September-November)
Autumn in a bottle grants one Phosray Autumn mutation: Phantom Gleam.
This trait covers Phosray with a spooky aura. It creates a ghostly glow pattern that only glows in the dark. This mutation can only be brought in Autumn (September-November)
🪁🪁 Monthly Prompts 🪁🪁
Let's all fly a kite..
Our monthly prompts are now live.
You can earn some SS by flying a kite or doing some harvesting.
We also have something exciting for anyone who does the harvest prompt. If you finish he harvest prompt you can then do our extra prompt to be entered into a raffle for some cute Stelciar. Remember you can only do the Fruity Fall Confections prompt if you have done the harvest prompt first!
🎆🎆 New Year, New Us 🎆🎆
Our team is working toward getting prepped for December and 2025. Our teams are working toward preplanning our big events so that next year we can be prepped well in advance. Stay tuned for some fun activities!
We also want to give small shout out to some changes you may see around the discord and site. Fumi is going to be focusing on the other areas aspect of the species and has brought on an ARPG leader to help co-ordinate events and such in the group.
September is Upon Us
Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by MewBrrr has it gotten cold for anyone else?
Our final month of the event is upon us and we are nearly halfway to beating the Void! Come on team we can do it!!!
🌀🌀 Is that the void?? 🌀🌀
Over the last month Stelciar and Phosray alike have been attacking the Void in hopes of driving them off or even getting rid of them. They've been gathering and crafting weapons to help against the Void. We even had some discord fun to help lower the void's health.
Visit this page, Void Fight, to see the boss's HP!
Click here to see the Void Fight AMV by Fumi03, if you haven't seen it from last year!"
💖💖 Stamina? Who's that?? 💖💖
Stelciar and Phosrays have been giving it their all for so long it's temporarily boosted their abilities, allowing them to do more each day.
For the later half of our event we have increased the daily stamina to 4! Which means you can go into the warzone and still collect in the field (or other locations). You can also just go into four different locations if you want. The sky's the limit! As of October it will go back down to 2 so keep that in mind.
🍁🍁 Fall Seasonal 🍁🍁☕
Our season has officially changed and we are now in Fall. Bundle up and drink some cocoa. Enjoy the changing of leaf colors. Fall also brings on North American traditions like Thanksgiving and Halloween and our Autumn seasonal prompt!
☕☕ Drinks of the Season ☕☕
Goodbye to our Summer Lemonade
And hello, Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Don't worry the Lemonade will be back next summer!
The pumpkin spiced latte can be used to craft the Autumn Catnip Filled Fish, Autumn in a bottle, and Autumn border.
Autumn Catnip Filled Fish grants one Stelciar Autumn mutation: Polymelia.
Adds extra limbs to Stelciar's body. The extra limbs can be the head, arms, legs, and ears. This mutation can only be brought in Autumn (September-November)
Autumn in a bottle grants one Phosray Autumn mutation: Phantom Gleam.
This trait covers Phosray with a spooky aura. It creates a ghostly glow pattern that only glows in the dark. This mutation can only be brought in Autumn (September-November)
📝📝 New Prompts 🎨🎨
The Trap and Void Design prompts are now over. Our next month only prompts are a Collaboration prompt and A Helping Hand prompt.
🛍️🛍️ Shopping Trip anyone? 🛍️🛍️
Once our Void Boss is defeated, you will be able to use all that amazing Fire Power currency at the secret Shop.
You will be able to buy items using FP, and the Fire Power Ticket will cost 30 FP. You can purchase up to 5 of the Fire Power Ticket. Then Fire Power Ticket item will then be used to craft a Phosray or Stelciar box.
Fire Power Ticket
Inside the box, you can find anything from random currency, upgrade items, and even MYO!
🚥🚥 Reminders! 🚥🚥
We want to remind everyone of a few things with the event and going forward.
- All prompt entries must be submitted to the gallery and the gallery link used when submitting your prompt. Any other art submission method will be sent back to have you submit to the gallery.
- When submitting prompts you must include the characters in the prompt on the submission entry. If they aren't included we will also send it back to ask you add them.
- For the Void event each entry is only allowed four characters max. If there are more then four we will send it back and ask you to remove some.
- Phosrays for most events need to be night form (chibi looking form with legs).
📅📅Adopt Calendar 📅📅
Remember the weapon adopts are still in play until the end of the event. You can still enter for them. Let's get these babies some nice homes. We also have one more fun adopt batch for the community this month.
Void Newsletter
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by ShinPurpleAugtober spooky time everyone~
Welcome to the first month of our next big event everyone! Thank you for being so patient as we get this new event done and on it's way!
This event will last for two months!
🌀🌀 Is that the void?? 🌀🌀
Over the last month or so, the Void has been gathering and getting stronger. The animals were the first sign, and now it's arrived and ready to do battle with the Stelciar. The Stelciar haven't been sitting idally by however. They knew something was up and knew they needed to protect everyone in Colsentia. They've been gathering and crafting weapons to help against the Void.
Visit this page, Void Fight, to see the boss's HP!
Click here to see the Void Fight AMV by Fumi03, if you haven't seen it from last year!"
🗡️🗡️ Weapons of All Shapes and Sizes 🗡️🗡️
Stelciar have been working hard to craft weapons to help fight the Void. If you have all the items to craft the weapons below, you can add the weapon to your prompt to gain extra Fire Power.
🔥🔥 Speaking of Fire Power... 🔥🔥
Fire Power is how members will attack the Void Boss. You can gain this by submitting prompts during the event and sometimes finding it in the new Event Exploration area (more on that later). Fire Power is calculated based on combining your Stelciar's Wings and Tail stats.
A Stelciar with Draco and Bun will have a FP of 5!
4 for Draco
1 for Bun
In the Character Masterlist info tab, you can find how many FP each stelciar has.
🎒🎒 Exploration areas 🎒🎒
For the event, we have two new exploration areas!
Flourishing Fields (1 Stamina)
You can gain items needed to craft the weapons for the Void fight.
War Zone (2 Stamina)
You have a chance at getting Fire Power exploring here, but be careful!
🌌🌌 Void Prompts 🌌🌌
The main prompt will give you Fire Power, which will be used to attack the Void. You can also use crafted weapons to boost the Fire Power of your entry. This prompt can be done unlimited times throughout the event. Beware that Baby Stelciar can't fight! Meaning that... they can't partake in this event.
The secondary prompt will be for one month only. We would like you to design a Void. You can submit this event once!
⬆️⬆️ New and returning trait ⬆️⬆️
What's this?? Upgrade Prompts?
Eternal Flame
During the gruelling battle against the seemingly endless hordes of void, some Stelciars push themselves to the limit, unleashing their full firepower at maximum speed. Parts of these courageous Stelciars' bodies suddenly erupted in brilliant passionate flames, bathing the battlefield in their eternal light!
Toxic Spike
Watching the Stelciars come to their rescue and fight valiantly against the Void, some Phosrays chose to stay and fight instead of flee. Amidst the danger, their overflowing determination granted them a means to fight: spikes coated in toxins, sharp and deadly!
Besides the two upgrade prompts, we are also bringing back Shadow Grasp (Stelciar) and Introducing Transparent Wing (Phosray) which you can gain by crafting!
Void corruption visibly marks Stelciars with lingering shadows, appearing as extra arms/hand-looking things or darkened body parts. This mutation not only changes their look but also increases aggression and leads to uncontrollable tendencies in affected Stelciars.
A special trait that Phosray developed as a ‘flight reflex’ helping them appear like easy prey to unsuspecting Void, before allowing them to fly away at a fast speed, leaving the Void stumped. It is said that the transparent wings occur when a Phosray’s determination wanes.
Check out the prompt page for a couple other really fun prompts this month!
💞💞 Adopts? Lots of Adopts?! 💞💞
We may have other adopt sales through the months, but you can look forward to these ones definitely!
The Fire Power currency can be used to purchase items in the Event Shop.
Weapon Adopts!
These adopts are a bit different! They will be raffled at the end of the event. How you enter for them is, include the adopt design in your entry and you will be entered to win the adopt. One entry per person, per adopt!
How these weapon adopts work in prompts:
- The first entry for each adopt you submit will give you one free weapon if the art or writing includes the adopt using their weapon.
- Only your first prompt including an adopt will give you an entry to win that adopt.
- You can include multiple adopts in that entry. Ex: You draw Runic Shield and Battleaxe. You will be entered into the raffle for both of those adopts (one time for each) unless you tell us you only want a certain entry!
- You can keep drawing them for normal FP and SS calculations!
🎨🎨 Changes to Permanent Prompts 🎨🎨
We are making some changes to the permanet prompts.
We are removing:
- Character Interaction
- Feature the Featured Character
We are keeping:
- Gift Art
- Meet the Stelciar/Phosray
- Meme
Going forward, the site is going to roll the featured characters automatically. How we will incorporate the features, is in Gift Art prompt.
If you draw or include the featured character (limited to 1 per entry) you will get double the SS!
Don't forget to make your character available for gift art and writing, so they have a chance to be featured!
Have a Great Event everyone!!!
Mini Daily Dye Event
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Fumi03Wheel . Of . COLORS
As the Pride season winds down, we found that there is a small residual of color being left behind.
We noticed not many people had colored frames, and wanted to do a small mini event to help people get a chance to collect all the dye colors they need to make the frames they want!
🪩🪩🪩 Daily Wheel 🪩🪩🪩
We are introducing a new daily wheel feature to the site. As we go from season to season, we may do more with the Wheel so stay tuned!
🌈🌈🌈 July 15th to 28th 🌈🌈🌈
Come one, come all! For 25 , you too can hold a color of the rainbow in your hands!
Every day from July 15th to 28th you can spend 25 BB to spin the wheel to get a random dye item. The wheel will only have dye items and doesn't take away from your normal exploration.
Have fun collecting those colors! ️
🎉🎉🎉 Parade of Walking Colors 🎉🎉🎉
We hope everyone had a fun Pride Month and enjoyed having your Stelciar and Phosray walking in their own little parade to celebrate. Thank you to everyone who participated and joined us this year!
🌈🌈🌈 Rainbow Stelciar Raffle🌈🌈🌈
The winner who got the Rainbowdrop Stellar Raffle is... @Evee
The fight is in full effect! Join your team!
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by ShinPurple VS
Stardust Seafoam
Hello you busy bees, we have a fun little surprise!
For our own version of Artfight you now have the option to join a team on our site and see who is getting the most points. All entries that have already been approved will get their points added in retrospect of course!
Join here!
Colsentia Artfight Tracker
The "currency" used for tracking will only be a point system and disappear after the event, it will have no other use.
The previous rules still apply! This point tracker is to determine *our* Colsentia winning team! The members of the Colsentia winning time (no matter who wins on the real Artfight site) will have the chance to win a common MYO slot in a raffle!
Knock Knock, Who's There? July!
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Fumi03OHHHHH We're HALFWAY THERE.. OH OH! Living in Colsentia~
Halfway through 2024, man time sure does fly doesn't it? We are still gearing up for our big event which is still hush hush. Oh I've said too much! 😳
☀️☀️☀️Summer Lovin'☀️☀️☀️
We are still in the Summer Season, so keep showing us those lovely Summer outfits. We love to see how everyone has a different style.
🥤🥤🥤 Sipping Lemonades by the pool 🥤🥤🥤
Lemonades are still found in the exploration area so keep collecting and you can get the Summer Border and the Summer traits!
🖌️🖌️🖌️ July Monthly Featured 🖌️🖌️🖌️
We want to say goodbye to Aster and Shadow and thank them for their featured fun.
We want to welcome Nana and Cookie as July's featured characters.
Remember Esmont and Mew are still on Cool Down until end of August but can still gain SS for featured prompt entries.
Roro898 and hifure-i are now on Cool Down until end of September but can also still gain SS for featured prompt entries.
🌈🌈🌈Pride Prompts 🌈🌈🌈
Reminder that the pride prompts end on the 10th of July. You still have time to get in those amazing prompts and enter the raffle.
Here are some of our entries so far!
And many others! We love seeing how your Stelciar and Phosrays represent themselves for Pride!
🌌🌌🌌 Art Fight 🐚🐚🐚
New Player UNLOCKED! Colsentia has joined the yearly gift art game. VS
Stardust Seafoam
When we saw the themes this year we couldn't help but want to jump into the fun too! How could we not? Stardust? Stelciar? Seafoam? Phosray? It was a theme made for us!
Please check out our Art Fight prompt and any discord announcements about the prompt.
Remember when submitting your entries for the prompt here, please tell the mods what team you are on or points may be randomly assigned!
Attacks, Revenges, Friendly Fire are all accepted! Revenge chains will not yeild extra points.
The winning team will have their members entered for a raffle to win a MYO slot! There will be 5 winners! (might increase depending on the submission amount)
Remember to register which team you are in #custom-roles
🤐🤐🤐 Secret Surprise?! 🤐🤐🤐
Make sure you are in the discord as we could have some exciting July happenings!
It’s ~~Gonna~~ Already June ☀️
Posted 7 months ago :: Last edited 7 months ago by Fumi03Sunshine, lollipops..
⛱️⛱️⛱️Rest and Relaxation☀️☀️☀️
~~May was a particularly busy month for the mods offline. We have some finishing up school semesters and exams so there will be a small little break between the beginning of June and the middle of June for prompts. We promise the next prompts, you won’t want to miss! ;)~~
We didn’t actually get this out in time sooo you can pretend you saw the above haha.
We are finally getting into the prompts and month.
Our normal monthly prompts have still continued (Memes, Gift, FtfC, etc).
🖌️🖌️🖌️ Features of the Featured Feature 🖌️🖌️🖌️
You can now go ahead and draw or write about the Featured Characters!
The winners were:
Esmont and Mew are now on cool down from winning until the end of August 2024. September they can enter again! Remember you two, you can still enter for SS!
🍹🍹🍹Summer Drinks are Here!🍹🍹🍹
Sipping a lemonade is always an amazing Summer drink. Did you know that in some countries, they add salt.. NOT sugar to their lemonade? Lemonade is used more like an electrolyte hydration drink.
Summer Lemonade drinks are now available in our exploration foraging locations.
5 Lemonades and 1 Rainbow Catnip Tree will get you a Summer Catnip Filled Fish.
Anddddd The new Phosray summer season trait!! Fiery Mist
5 Lemonades and 1 Special potion will get you a Summerin bottle.
Similar to Spring, We also have a summer user border 🌊
available via crafting
We also have our Summer prompts running now as well, which will help you to gain the Lemonade drinks. Please check out our prompts pages to see the seasonals!
🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈 Happy Pride!! 🏳️🌈🏳️🌈🏳️🌈
Our big event is being delayed slightly due to a technical issue, which actually works out perfectly as we really want to celebrate the rest of June for Pride with you all.
We have two Pride related prompts for you all!
Pride Parade ( Parade of pride)
Please remember to draw your character facing 3/4 or sideways (like how the image above for the fire breath is)! We will combine them all at the end of the event to make one image.
By entering this prompt, you will be given the chance to enter the free Rainbowdrop Stellar Raffle.
Pride Flames ( Pride Celebration)
Did you know that Stelciar (fire wings/tail fire) and Phosrays (wings) can change color for special events? Draw or write about your character showing their Pride colors! Remember if you are using someone else’s character, make sure to ask them what representation would be acceptable.
By entering this prompt, you have the option to earn a unique pride frame!