Newbie Guide

Created: 9 December 2023, 04:31:17 UTC
Last updated: 12 January 2024, 05:51:18 UTC
Welcome to Colsentia! The world of Colsentia features two closed species created by Fumi03, Stelciar & Phosray! This is a newbie guide for people who are new to the CS world. This page will contain many things that you are helpful to know, such as vocabulary and abbreviations, along with guidelines on registration and event/participation procedures.

Vocabulary and its Shorthand

  • CS [Closed Species]: An original species defined by its unique anatomy and lore. Characters within a closed species are not free for others to create/own, meaning only certain individuals can create/own official characters of said species. Usually, there are MYO slots with which other users can use to make their own characters of the species.
  • MYO [Make Your Own]: Slots for members to create their own characters of a certain species. Normally in Colsentia, these can be obtained by being sold in in-game shops, sold online for real-life currency, crafting by yourself from collecting craft items, participating in special prompts, trading, or being gifted.
  • GA [Guest Artist]: Individuals granted special permission to create characters of said species, also known as temporary species artists/designers. When and how many GA's are chosen is up to the staff.
  • FTO [First Time Owner]: Members who haven’t owned a species in Colsentia before .
  • OTA [Offer to Adopt]: This means that you can offer anything that the artist prefers; it can be real-life currency, art, or other characters in return for a design made by them. When the auction ends, the creator may decide to choose one of the offers made.
  • NPC [Non-Playable Character]: A character not owned by any individual and can be drawn for gift-art/gift-writing. They can be used in prompts that allow for NPC use. Please check the prompt description before using them. 
  • ML [Masterlist]: A character index where all usable game characters are stored for people to have their characters legitimately linked to their names.
  • BB [Bronze Beef], SS [Silver Salmon], & GG [Gold Goose]:  These are the currency in this closed species! It can be obtained by exploring, crafting, participating in events, prompts, or trading with other people. It's used to buy items in the various shops on the website.
  • Link [Website URL]: A shorthand abbreviation for 'copying' and 'pasting' a website URL/link.


Register your account

Whether you own a character or not, you can sill register to have an official Colsentia website account. Don't forget to read our terms and privacy policy before creating an account.
You can join our Discord if you're over 13. We're usually active there, posting news updates and answering questions. We also host games, prompts, and giveaways on Discord, so be sure to join and become a Colsentia citizen ^^.
When joining our Discord make sure to read the rules first. Introduce yourself in #introduction to access the rest of the channels. The registration form will be pinned in that channel.



How to get a character

Both Stelciar and Phosray can be obtained through multiple methods:

  • Sales, OTAs and Raffles: New adopts are available in the official market category on the Discord server. Join the server and keep an eye on this space.
  • Trade: You can acquire pre-loved Stelciar/Phosray in the #species-trading channel on Discord.
  • MYO (Make Your Own): If you'd like to design your own Stelciar/Phosray, you can obtain a MYO slot by crafting a MYO item out of collected items from exploring or by waiting for a MYO slot sale.
  • Prompts: Both Stelciar/Phosray and MYO items can be obtained by submitting art and writing in prompts.


Exploring can be used to obtain currencies, items or even seasonal and event items!

For the first day of exploring you’ll receive only 1 stamina. For the following days whenever you explore you will receive 2 stamina per day.


prompts and events

Have you done this month's prompt yet!? Hehe yes, that's right, we have various prompts for you to participate in……

  • Monthly Prompts: This is the main prompts with high rewards (SS, MYO, items, or even a Stelciar/Phosray). It changes every month and includes holiday prompts.
  • MYO Craft Item: This prompt rewards you with crafting items when submitted. Currently, the reward is an item used specially for crafting MYO (of both Phosray and Stelciar).
  • Permanent Prompts: This is a sub-prompt with lower rewards than the monthly one (only SS), but it's easy to complete. It includes funny prompts such as meme prompts, gift-giving prompts, and introduction prompts. These prompts are permanent and, like their name, do not change/expire. (there might be more permanent prompts in the future).
  • Draw Stel/Phos Above: As the name suggests, you must draw the Stelciar/Phosray based on the previous drawings in the Discord channel.  Follow the pinned message and drop your Stelciar/Phosray in a comment chain for the next person to continue this hype train. While not a traditional prompt, you can submit it in the gift-giving prompts to earn some SS.
  • Questing: This is a special prompt for unlocking a unique reward. Currently, we have one quest available, the human illusion form. Completing this quest will unlock the human form for your Stelciar.




If you're interested in learning more about the world of Colsentia, Phosray or Stelciar. We recommend you check the following pages:

    • World Setting: This is the main page detailing the setting of the world, differences between our species, and more information about the void.
    • Phosray Lore: This page explains everything about Phosray including: their origin, general characteristics, life cycle and legends.
    • Phosray Anatomy: Meanwhile, this page explains the anatomy of Phosray things like: their Day and Night forms, Phosray tail's and what can glow.
    • Stelciar Lore: Here you can find more information about Stelciar including: their origin, life cycle, power and belief.
    • Stelciar Anatomy: Over here you can find information about the anatomy of Stelciar, including: Their size relating to other species, bodyfluff and information about distinguishing features of a Stelciar.



On our site, there is a crafting option for you to enjoy working with items, collecting them, and crafting them using our recipes! There are various types of recipes available, including MYO recipes. Additionally, there are catnip-filled fish recipes that, when used, enable you to add seasonal mutations to your Stelciar. The last type of recipe is the frame recipe, allowing you to create your own frame that complements your adorable character.



On our site, there are several shops you can buy items from:



The gallery is a helpful section, where you can find official bases useful for MYO designs, art/writing for various prompts and quests. Once you have a registered account, you can upload prompt artwork or writing here instead of other websites, just make sure you 'link' your gallery entry to your prompt submission!