Stelciar: Human illusion

Created: 25 November 2023, 23:40:04 UTC
Last updated: 15 May 2024, 22:08:21 UTC


Deep within a mystical forest, far from any human eyes to pry, the Elder sits beneath their tree, patiently awaiting Stelciar to come and train under them.
A fantastic ability that most Stelciar struggle with unless their power is great: the capability to temporarily transform into a human and interact in their world.
...but only for a few moments...

Human Transformation Info 

58408145_AGKJMFJWfsnSc61.png   Every Stelciar possesses the ability to transform into a human version of themselves.

This serves as a means for them to interact with their past loved ones and friends in the human world, whom they can no longer encounter in their Stelciar form.

The skill of human transformation must be acquired through dedicated effort under the guidance of the Elder in a deep, dark forest. The duration of their stay in this human form is contingent on their power level—whether it be 10 minutes or 20, it remains limited to a brief period.

Upon completing this prompt, your Stelciar gains the capacity to alter their form, allowing you to create the human design that will be documented in their Masterlist description. This aspect, except for clothing and hairstyle, remains fixed even in the event of a trade or sale, possessing the same permanency as their primary design.


After Stelciar gained the ability to manipulate their fire, they can also shapeshift their fire to other simple shapes when they want. Stelciar might use their shapeshift illusion to intimidate Void in a fight.



FTheir Fire Power determines the duration they can maintain the human illusion. Each point of Fire Power equals 5 minutes in the human illusion. Fire Power can be found in the traits of both wings and tail.

  Example :
  • Stadust has Wings: Sea Jelly (3 firepower)
  • Tails: Classic (2 firepower)
  • Her human form will last around 25 minutes


 Human and The in-between form 


  • In their human form, Stelciar will appear like an ordinary human to seamlessly blend in with them. However, they will retain their distinct four-pointed star pupils, so caution is needed to prevent humans from directly gazing into their Stelciar eyes!

  • Stelciar's human form can showcase any human skin tone, with the requirement that the eyes and pupil star color match. Additionally, their hair color should mirror their Stelciar fur color.

  • The failed form emerges during training, displaying a blend of half-Stelciar and half-human features. This form is called The in-between form

  • When Stelciar achieves this quest, they enjoy playing around in this in-between state without humans around. However, they still remain for a short while in human form. (This allowed you to draw your stelciar as kemonomimi or furry)


  • You must complete this quest and get approved to unlock the power

  • Draw 2 artworks below, they must have been originally done by you. You can’t commission someone else

  • Quests cannot be combined, they need to be in three separate artworks

  • The Stelciar in this entry must be yours

  • AI generated imagery or writing is strictly prohibited and will be rejected.


  • Drawings: Each entries need to be full body + flat color. 
  • Writing: Each entries need to be written entries must be a minimum of 700 words.

 Quest entries

  1. Drawing your Stelciar with their reason behind this training.

  2. Drawing your Stelciar training in the deep forest. The lower the stelciar's firepower the harder training going to be!  (must draw the forest background and the Elder helping your Stelciar achieve this training )


  • After you finish your quest please submit all 2 artworks here

  • When your art submission is approved please use Claim to submit their human design.
    • In the claim, insert a link to the human design in the URL. 
    • Mention the artist and designer (if any) in the comment. 
    • Include a link to the approved quest submission in the comment. (You can find your link in Profile> submission under the history tab)
    • Provide your character code in the character.
  • You don't need to design the human forms on your own. Someone else can design them for you.