Final Clutch

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The battle rages on furiously for the colossal void creature screams and its huge body lurching in different directions. This is the final stretch for the stelciars and phosray. The long battle is finally coming to an end.

Nebula spread his wings, ready to take it to the sky along with Lumeria and Stardusts. Though he turns to look back at both of them with a bit of worry. It’s more so that he’s worried for their safety if they are caught in the crossfire during the fight.

“Shouldn’t you both be in the medic tent?” He asks them while his flaming tail burns brightly in the night. Eyes staring at them as he tries to gauge their responses.

Lumeria is the first to speak. The smallest stelciar might be afraid of getting into the thick of the battle, but the tides are turning and this is their chance to go all out and push back the darkness once and for all. 

He stands confidently all on his four paws. Head held high.

“You helped me before back in the forest, so now I’ll also be there to help watch your back, Nebula.” Lumeria smiles at the taller stelciar, walking over to the other and gently nudges his body against the dirt-matted fur, yet soft and fluffy to the touch.

“You don’t have to do things alone.”

Nebula's gaze softens after hearing such conviction from his friend. His eyes gleamed and happy to know that there would be someone to look after him. Lumeria is so kind and courageous in his own way. 

He knows that the other is not as strong or powerful as him, but Lumeria is ready to help because they’re friends and friends help each other no matter the hardship. Nebula ruffles the other’s head with his paw, “Now you’re my knight in shining armor.”

“Haha, stop itttttt.”

Lumeria embarrassedly blushes at the affection Nebula is giving him. 

The pink stelciar watches the two being very friendly with each other (very) before coughing loudly to get both of their attention, but mostly Nebula.

“What Lumeria said. We’re sticking together like three peas in a pod, Nebula.”

Both Stardusts and Nebula nod at the white stelciar as his mouth wobbles, “You guys…”

The scream from the giant creature rumbles through the forest. Down to the very earth itself. The sound pulls all of them from their heartfelt friendship exchange and reminds them of their current goal.

“So… what should we do with this stick though?”

Lumeria points at the crystalline staff on the grass as Stardusts hums thoughtfully, “We should take it with us and find the owner of the staff. They probably lost it during the battle.”

He let out a tiny gasp at that. Who would be using the scepter? Scratch that- how would they know the staff’s owner?

Guess they’ll have to find that out later after taking to the sky.

“That sounds like a plan!”

The purple stelciar grabs at the wooden staff with his mouth while careful of the sharp pointy horn from the head of the scepter then a nod towards his friends, the three of them take off and into the thick of the battle.

The smell of burnt wood and charred leaves itched their noses, but they pushed on. Some stelciars along with phosrays retreat from the fight before switching with the other ones still have the energy for the gruesome battle.

Then after getting closer to the creature itself, it’s a miracle to see that there were little to no smaller void creatures left. All, if not, most of them were taken down earlier into the fight, leaving the colossal creature writhing and screaming to fend all on its own.

“Guys, look over there!” Lumeria says, though it sounds a little muffled because he has something in his mouth at the moment before pointing his head at the stelciar they’ve never seen before down below. Their fur is as dark as night, but beautiful light blue flames showing off the other’s position. Tied to their head is the almost identical looking skull as the one Lumeria is desperately holding on in his mouth.

“That must be the staff’s owner.”

Nebula finishes the thought after Lumeria points it out. They immediately make a beeline towards the other stelciar, but not before firing a blast of hot flames at the void creature. It let out a scream in pain.

“Hello, mister. Hi! Is this one of yours?” Stardusts flies up to him, flapping her wings gently to flutter away the ashes in the air. She coughs a tiny bit.

The mysterious stelciar turns to look at them midair and wow! That’s a nice turn. Nebula is going to file that into his head as he’s sure to practice on that move later on when all the battle is over.

“Ah, hello…” They stare at them, wondering why they wanted to approach him in the first place. Then they see it. The familiar scepter being carried by the purple stelciar. Crystal blue gem glows under the low light and twinkles in Lumeria’s eyes.

“Oh! It’s my scepter.”

He slowly glides over to the Lumeria and the other leans forward to give him the stick, leaving some space for the other to grasp onto it. The stelciar smiles at them gently, “Thank you for bringing it back to me.”

Lumeria smiles back before spinning in the air.

“No problem! Glad that it could be returned to the rightful owner. Cool scepter by the way.”

“Thank you kindly.”

Nebula then looks into the distance to see the void creature thrashing around. Fangs snapping at the flying stelciar.

“So how powerful is the scepter anyway?”

The other blue stelciar looks at the stick in his mouth as he grins as much as he could while still holding onto it. He says while sounding a bit muffled.


With the staff given back to the owner. All of them fly close to the giant creatures to start shooting brilliant flames at it. The void fizzles as it tries to mend itself back together, roaring and aiming its jaw at anything near the hit area.

Nebula does a cool flip through the clouds and with the help of the new stelciar they’re able to do a considerable amount of damage to it. It’s only a matter of time before it goes down completely.

“I got your back, Nebula!”

Lumeria flies pass Nebula to spew out hot flames and the claw coming at them, along with Stardusts, holding it off before they all dodge the massive limbs thrown about. 

“We can do this. Just a little more!” Nebula shouts for everyone to hear. So close. Just a bit more!

New found determination rushes through the stelciars and phosrays alike. The final clutch!

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Final Clutch
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In MONTHLY PROMPT ・ By Thebluefish
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Submitted By Thebluefish for Main Prompt : War Zone
Submitted: 14 hours agoLast Updated: 14 hours ago

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