Trap resupply

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A rainbow phosray picks up a small sack and looks inside “Welp that's our last rope-” The phosray turns to their silver friend “that's all the trap supplies I had Dean, and I don't know where to get more.” A devious grin adorns Dean's face; he then ruffles through his poofy blue and yellow hair and pulls out a strange flute and plays a tune akin to a children's cartoon song. Suddenly a bright blue and yellow streak of fire shoots above the two phosray quickly adjusting to re adjust its trajectory landing directly in front of the two boys “HIHIHIHIHI heloo Dean what ya need? Ooooooooo, who's your friend?” the energetic kitten playfully raises her flaming tail into the air. Dean snickers “this is Prince i'm helping him set up traps, He is horrible at it” Prince poofs up “I am not” Dean's devious grin returns once again then he turns back to the kitten. “Anyway Prince and I need a lift to Ushi’s, can you help us please Loah?” the kitten groans “uuuugh i guess i can , BUT you and your friend have to play dress up with me” Dean and Prince freeze up “Loah surely we can play anything BUT dress up” Dean feverishly asks the smirking kitten “we play dress up or i won't help you, and all the adults are busy so its me or nothing” Loah grins with a smile more devious than Deans, Prince and Dean look at eachother then back at Loah, Prince takes his sack from the ground and approaches Loah “fine we will do it after everything is over” the kitten starts excitedly running around the two boys shaking the ground as she bounds she quickly scoops up the phosray making them cling for dear life on her cape.

After a very speedily flight on the little kittens back they arrived at a hastily made work bench with weapon racks everywhere and 3 huge black stone smelting furnaces, rocks, wood and bits and bobs scattered throughout the area. The 3 slowly approach the front bench where a cream stelciar with stubby legs is sharpening a small dagger, the cream stelciars eyes dart up to look at the group and its eyes sharpen “Dean.” with a low grumble the stelciar stops sharpening the dagger to place his full attention on the Rainbow trouble maker, Dean clambers up onto the bench and hesitantly approaches the Stel “heeeeyyyy Ushi can you like um set us up with some more trap Equipment-” awkwardly leaning towards Ushi with a hesitant smile, Ushi stares daggers into Dean “are you gonna pay for these materials, or are you gonna put it on your tab” Ushi leans in towards Dean bearing his teeth at that moment Prince politely interrupts and places a small amount of silver salmon and bronze beef “is this enough for some supplies for today?” The old stel returns to how he was sitting before and inspects the amount of coin offered “yeah this will do, But hey kid don't make it a habit picking up this unicorn vomits slack” Ushi reaches under the bench and grabs a bag about the same size of Prince and Dean combined “here ya go, and a bit of advice i heard we need some more traps on the west front so if you wanna start setting up there that would help a crud ton” Ushi smirks at Prince looks over to dean and immediately frowns “And you im gonna start getting on Marvels ass if you don't start paying off your Bloody tab” Dean starts walking backwards “ha ha ha yeah i- i ill get to that i swea-” suddenly Dean steps off the bench and falls ass first to the ground Loah immediately bursts into laughter. Dean quickly brushes himself off “welp Prince you heard the old fart lets head to the west, Loah are you able to give us a lift?” Loah smirks  “that's another day of playing dress up hehehe” Dean slumps over in defeat and climbs onto Loah’s back “fuck it im already in shit lets just fucking dig deeper, Prince hurry up lets go” Prince bows politely to Ushi and drags the bag of supplies off the edge of the bench for Loah to pick up.
After another short flight thanks to Loah’s speed The boys were at their destination after quick goodbyes Loah sped off much like how she showed up. “Well Dean shall we start?” prince smiles softly at Dean, Dean grins back and grabs a rope out the bag “lets Fucking Go

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Trap resupply
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In MONTHLY PROMPT ・ By KatiePaints

Continuation of Mews prompt :D

Submitted By KatiePaints for Trap
Submitted: 1 month agoLast Updated: 1 month ago

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[Trap resupply by KatiePaints (Literature)](
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