Final Goodbye
Solacy was flying around, enjoying the summer day. People were out and about, streets and parks filled with humans going back and forth. Families were gathering on grass and getting out food to eat together, couples were holding hands while looking at the pond, friends were playing frisbee. Everyone did their best to savour the great weather. The world was full of life. Solacy passed a cat lounging on the balcony, it perked up and looked at her with bright eyes. Solacy didn't linger to long, it was never clear if cats would be spooked by her or just interested. She just wanted to experience a summer day and indulge in the relaxed atmosphere. She hummed to herself while flying around. Sometimes it was hard for her to be around the living beings that couldn't see her or interact with her but in a way it was also soothing. She could be part of something without the expectation to really participate.
There was laughter, the smell of ice cream and waffles, the soft chimes of an instrument, sunlight hitting glass and crystal and creating rainbow reflections. Everything felt soft and happy, fuzzy feelings growing in her stomach and heart. But there was a pull. A slight tug as if she had her wing brush against something and have a feather being plucked out. Nothing too painful but a sharp awareness. Solacy faltered in her flight, getting slower and slower before pausing altogether and looking around. The tug was something familiar by now but it could be hard to figure out where exactly it was coming from.
Another tug. Solacys ears perked up and she looked to her left, getting drawn to that direction. She flew around a few trees, a habit she had even if she could pass through them, and followed the pull. It lead her to another park and there was worry spreading in her mind. She really hoped there wouldn't be a sad scene waiting for her, heartbreak spreading out and interrupting te lives of everyone around. It was warm and heat wouldn't be the first time to strain a little animals body so much that they passed out and didn't wake up again. Solacy flew past at least 4 dogs and a lot of ducks living by a pond. She crossed a fence and has to make sure that she was still in the park. Yes. There seemed to be deers here. Deers in a big enclosure with park guests all being able to walk around the fence and feed the animals on designated spots. There were big signs stating what was allowed to be fed to the animals and what wasn't.
Solacy flew almost to the middle of the enclosure before she found it. There was an older deer lying in the shade of a tree, seeking protection from the sun. It wasn't alone, younger deers all around it, heads lowered, sniffing, slightly pushing their heads against the older deer. But even that movement couldn't let it stir and wake up again. No startling sounds, no twitching ears. The soul of said deer was standing just above it's body, looking around in confusion. It was reaching out as well, trying to find comfort in the presence of it's friends. No use. Solacy swallowed, flying slower and slower before landing. She looked on as the deers made distressed noises and movements before one plopped down on the ground and pressed itself against the deceased one. The soul cried out in anguish. Solacy went closer, not wanting to spook the soul but she needed to give them some comfort and let them know they were not alone.
"I'm sorry."
The deer looked up, eyes locking with Solacy, ears twitching.
"You have very good friends."
Solacy looked on the scene playing out, words heavy on her tounge. The deer followed her gaze as well, trying again to reach out and touch their friend with it's face. It didn't work.
"I know it's hard but there is no going back."
The deer made a distressed noise and it looked cornered, not knowing if it should run away from Solacy or stay here to be near it's friends.
"The pain will fade. I can guide you to a different place to find peace and new beginnings."
The deer shook it's head, legs shaking, eyes big and watery. It clearly didn't want to go. Solacy came closer and the deer thankfully didn't run away.
"The warmth will return. Life will return. You will return."
Solacys voice was soft and soothing. This step was always the hardest. Sometimes she found animals all alone and they were grateful to have someone by their side. This though? This was different. Taking someone away from a loving home. A loving family. She could feel her own eyes starting to water. No matter how many souls she encountered, it never really got easier. She slowly inched forwards before her paw could reach out and carefully touched the deers neck. All tension seemed to melt away in that moment. The deer still looked back, leaning down one last time in a desperate effort to reach it's friend. It breathed in. Breathed out. Then looked back at Solacy and nodded. Ready.
Submitted By ShinPurple
for Stelciar: Soul Guiding Journey
Submitted: 6 months ago ・
Last Updated: 6 months ago