Exploration Prompt - Jan 2024

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mori and the magician's performance

The clouds lazily flew by as the sun shone down on the rooftops of a sleepy little town. Amongst the ceramic tiled roofs, a creamy beige and vibrant green Stelciar lay. His small leaves waving back and forth amongst the gentle breeze.  A fly buzzes down to land on one such leaf nestled on the side of his left ear. Bothered, the little Stelciar swats it with a paw, before cracking open a single warm brown eye to glare at the wayward intruder. 

Oh bother... I was having such a good nap, and now I'm wide awake. he thought to himself as he flexed his vibrant seraph wings sending sparkles around him, as he did a nice long stretch. He padded over to the edge of the roof and looked down at the bustling pavement down below. Humans, humans and... more humans. They lead such busy lives. As he was thinking this to himself, he heard a commotion on the cobblestone streets down below. He watched as the humans gathered together in a nearby square, the crowd thick with people. 

What a peculiar sight! Something interesting must be happening over there! Curious, Mori got up, shook his little marimo tailed butt a couple times before taking flight amid the pidgeons in the sky overhead. He glided closer to the square, and landed on a human's windowsill. Given their windows were wide open, and the windowsill was about table width. Mori fit there with ease, making sure to not push a potplant or two off the windowsill by accident. As he retracted his wings he looked down at a human performer below. 

They had a fancy suit, hat and even a bowtie! And they seemed to be saying something to the crowd. Suddenly out of the blue he took off his hat, tapped it twice with a white gloved hand and a pair of doves flew out from the hat and over the square. 

Woah! It's magic!!! Mori couldn't help thinking, he continued watching the show and saw many amazing feats, that he didn't know were accomplisheable. From cutting a lady in half, to summoning endless amounts of cloth out of a person's armpit! Mori was entranced by the display. As the sun began to set over the horizon, he saw the performer finish up, do a fancy bow, and then offer his hat to the humans. Some of them threw paper and coins into the hat. Oh! Oh~! I should contribute too! Mori thought, and flew off to his little lair of favourite things. Rummaging around, he found some coins, paper and a fish he had caught the other day. This should be enough! he thought to himself, before, gathering them up in an old cloth, and gripping it firmly, before flying over to the performer. As the last rays of daylight hit the square's cobblestones, Mori finally arrived back at the square. Frantically he flew to where the performer was packing up, and when he wasn't looking, dropped the goodies in the performer's hat. 

Mission accomplished! Mori thought proudly, as he flew up to a nearby rooftop to watch the human's reaction. The puzzled performer, did a double-take at Mori's contribution, before taking the fish and paper and throwing it in a nearby trashcan. Mori's jaw dropped at the sight! And he flew down to rescue his fish and paper, before more trash could be thrown on top of it! How unappreciative! Waste not, want not, I will happily take my fish and paper back home. He thought to himself, before flying home underneath the twinkling stars and moonlit night.

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Exploration Prompt - Jan 2024
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In 2023/2024 MONTHLY ARCHIVE ・ By Nalico

Total words (excl. title): 602 words

Submitted By Nalico for Exploration
Submitted: 1 year agoLast Updated: 1 year ago

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