Mori's Festival Fun
mori's festival fun
Mori had been preparing for this day for a whole week now. He'd tried scouring Nebula Island to find comet shards but he just hadn't been lucky enough, and that was when he came up with his brilliant idea of becoming a merchant at the Star Monarch Festival. Since then he had been growing and collecting his little marimo ball friends for several weeks, and carefully placing them in tiny glass vials. The perfect gift for any Stelciar or Phosray! he thought to himself. Why, if I was a tiny Phosray I'd use a marimo as a pillow to sleep on! Or mabe a comfy napping place during the day. And FINALLY the day was here. He'd arrived at the Star Monarch Festival Stalls early in the morning, to check out his stall. He'd requested a bright green stall tent, and was happy to see his request had been answered. He carefully set up his stall table, throwing a nice mint green table cloth over it, and decorating his stall in fairy lights and some marimo posters he'd drawn a few days prior. He added the signs explaining what 'marimo' are and how much his vials costed, alongside some small pamphlets he'd had printed that explained how to care for them. Finally he placed the vials of marimo all across the tables, ready for his future customers. All in all, he was finally ready to open his little stall by the Festival opening time. At first, business was slow, as the Stelciar and Phosray seemed to walk by his stall and head for those that were serving food. However, as the streets were getting busier, more and more customers came.
Mori was delighted! He found himself explaining what a Marimo ball was! Where they came from? How they could be kept? And the questions went on and on. Eventually he started handing people brochures when they started asking instead of explaining it all himself! He sold so many, his empty pouch of comet dust soon became filled to the brim! As the night wore on, he had to put up his 'closed' sign early, as he'd completely sold out of all his marimo vials. Surprisingly he had even traded a marimo for a sparkly pendant in a fancy box~ Supposedly it was called an 'i love you' collar. But Mori thought it would work better as a dreamcatcher~ More Phosray were buying his marimo than Stelciar. Maybe it's cause they could actually use it as an item at home, he found himself thikning. Happily he packed up his things, and decided to explore the festival with his new found comet dust. Maybe he'd finally get to try some of that delicious dango he'd heard so much about!

Submitted By Nalico
for Fantastic Festival Fun!
Submitted: 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months ago