Snack Run Mission
Skrunkly began drooling as soon as he stepped near the festival area and could smell the first delicious scents wafting over to him. A delicios mix of savoury, smokey, fried and sweet food that enticed him to walk a little bit faster. He knew that there were enough games and stalls at the festival to keep you occupied for days but participating in those would be easier than trying to eat everything that was being offered. If he wanted to get a chance to really try everything that was being sold then it was best to start now! He did have a huge appetite but even he could probably only eat a few foods each day. Inbetween digesting those to make room for the next snack he could then look around at the stalls and participate in the games they had to offer.
The first booth he saw offered fried potato pancakes with a topping of sour cream, red onions and cheese? How could one say no to that? He got in line and got the Bronze Beef ready to pay for his purchase. As soon as he got the hot and fried goodness he blew on it to not burn his mouth but the smell was just too tempting so Skrunkly tempted fate sooner than he should have and bit into the potato pancake. Bad news: The pancake was indeed super hot and burned his tongue. Good news: The sour cream on top was cooling enough not to burn the roof of his mouth as well.
"W-Worth it", mumbled Skrunkly through the slight pain and got odd looks from a Stelciar couple with their children passing by.
After devouring the hot pancake he needed something to sooth his tongue so Skrunkly got a rainbow slushie that had some edible glitter in it to resemble the fireworks overhead. With that in hand and happily slurping he checked out some of the stalls that offered hand-crafted items and his eyes landed on a giant pink cotton candy ball.
"Woahh. Is that strawberry flavoured?"
The Phosray behind the stall looked at him funnily.
"Sir, this is a tree. A tree of love!"
Skrunkly blinked a few times.
"So... not edible?"
"N-No, sorry. But it smells good!"
The Phosray gestured for Skrunkly to get closer and take a whiff so he did. The tree did indeed smell good... Earthy but somehow also flowery. A pleasant scent that wasn't too overpowering. It would definitely be better than having a scented candle.
"Hmm.. Okay, I'll take one on the way home! Right now I need both paws to handle food. Later!"

Submitted By ShinPurple
for Fantastic Festival Fun!
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Submitted: 11 months ago ・
Last Updated: 11 months ago