The Gift of Love
Solacy was looking at the different gifts available in the shop and tried to figure out which one would be best to get for Ky'ria. The Kitty Hat was cute but didn't really fit with her usual style. Flowers were always a good option but felt a bit too common and they would wilt anyway and wouldn't last. The I love you Collar seemed a bit too bold and Solacy didn't dare buying that one. She was feeling as if they were all great gifts but maybe not great for Ky'ria? The Buddy Bear was very cute and Solacy was lingering on that one the most. The Gold Salmon Gift seemed like a very safe choice... After some contemplating Solacy decided to go with that one because it would be easy to personalize. After getting home with it, Solacy spent some time making a card. Or three to be exact. The first two didn't turn out quite right and looked a bit too childish, but the third one was just the right side of decorated without feeling too corny. Solacy wrote a note in the inside of the card with a coupon for a couples day spent together at either a spa or an aquarium. Solacy then tucked that card into the band of the Gold Salmon Gift and went on her way.
Ky'ria looked up when Solacy got near and smiled bashfully. Solacy couldn't help but return the smile before leaning down and kissing her shorter girlfriend.
"Hey, I missed you."
"We just saw each other yesterday."
"Yeah I know, but that was just for a quick breakfast before you had to work."
Solacy laid a paw on Ky'rias cheek and looked into her eyes, taking it all in.
"Everything okay? Is there something on my face?"
"No, just you."
Solacy kept grinning and Ky'ria squirmed a bit under the attention.
"Okay? Then what's with the look?"
"I am just happy to see you. Pictures really don't do you justice. I can get lost in your sparkling eyes."
Ky'ria blushed and blinked, looking away until Solacy gently pushed against her cheek again.
"You're even cute when you are embarassed."
"Stop, you are the worst!", exclaimed Ky'ria while laughing and lightly hitting Solacys paw. Solacy giggled as well and took her paw down, reaching behind her instead and got the Gold Salmon Gift out of her bag.
"I know it's nothing big, but I hope you enjoy it."
Solacy presented the box and Ky'rias eyes got a big wider - if that was even possible - before gently taking the gift box. She touched the card and smiled, letting her paw run around the edges of it before turning it over and reading what Solacy had written. Solacy was doing her best to stay still and wait, even if she really felt like whipping back and forth to let out her nervous energy.
"Oh, you are the sweetest! That card will get a nice place on my desk so I can read it whenever I feel down or miss you."
Solacys body relaxed a bit as she shaw the love in Ky'rias eyes and couldn't help but move forward again for a quick kiss.
"As for the Spa or Aquarium... Hmm...."
Ky'ria looked down at the card thoughtfully and for a short moment Solacy feared that she didn't like either option and just wasn't sure how to say it because she didn't want to hurt Solacys feelings.
"How about we do both? Aquarium and dinner will be my treat! I actually booked a table at a nice place for us and visiting the Aquarium can definitely be combined with that."
Solacys smile came back and she wrapped her arms around Ky'ria to hug her closely.
"Sounds great! The more dates I get with you the better!"

Submitted By ShinPurple
for A pair of lovebirds (Stelciar only)
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Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago