Chance meeting
The Star Monarch Festival was in full swing, and stalls lined the beach of Nebula Island. Stelciar and Phosray flew this way and that, buying, selling and even playing carnival games! The beach was packed! Among the crowds a Stelciar with a rather large blue witches hat meandered. His hats accessories of a variety of ocean wonders glinted in the dim overhead festival lightbulbs, held precariously by bits of twine and string entangled through each stall. Mizue was his name and he was on the hunt for an elusive item he had heard of, the 'golden salmon'. He'd heard whispers about it, but he had yet to see such a thing. Silver Salmon? A common occurence! Currency for all Colsentians, but a Gold Salmon! Now that was unique! As a... collector of various trinkets, Mizue felt he needed to complete his collection by finding this elusive item. So far, he'd seen stalls selling a variety of delicious foods, some selling shiny accessories and others, offering services like a fur trim! Everything cost a unique type of currency called a 'Comet Dust'. Luckily he had come prepared! Over the last several days, he'd been flying around Nebula Island gathering every Comet Shard he could see, and yesterday he had finally ground it all down into a fine powder. As Mizue was checking his festival stall map, figuring out where he should go next, he found himself walking into another Stelciar and falling over.
"Sorry about that. I was just consulting my map on where to go nex..." Rubbing his sore head with a paw he turned to apologise, and found the most gorgeous Stelciar he'd seen in a long time rubbing their head. They had a gorgeous array of corals tucked by one ear, fur of a silken gray and white, and sea jelly wings that looked like they were made from a pastel rainbow. Quickly Mizue brushed himself off and offered the Stelciar a paw to help stand up with. "Pardon my clumsiness, if it helps I can escort you to wherever you were heading to in such a rush?" he asked. Gently the other Stelciar blinked up at him before grabbing his paw and standing upright.
"As you should. If you could help escort me to the Gold Koi stall that woudl be great! A friend of mine said the Phosray there is selling something most peculiar, a... golden salmon gift?" Mizue did a double take.
"Why that's exactly where I was heading!" he exclaimed.
"Well, you sir, were heading in the wrong direction. " The gray and white stelciar said with a chuckle, their fish spirit friends swirling around them with glee.
"O-oh" Mizue felt his face flush red with embarrassment. "Well, my name is Mizue. What's yours pretty Stelciar?"
"Mine? It's Coral." they said picking up Mizue's map that had fallen t the ground. "Hmm.. and I think, maybe we were both heading in the wrong direction. Let's head off together! Maybe if we work together we can find the stall selling 'Golden Salmon Gifts'!" Over the next hour the pair bumbled along the stalls, making friends and laughing at each others jokes. They found a stall selling 'fish shaped' treats, and almost accidentally ruined a game of 'Furthest Flight'. Finally they made it to the stall. A lone bright orange Phosray manned the almost empty stall.
"Are you sure we're in the right place Mizue?" Coral asked worriedly swaying the stingers of her jellyfish tail. "Let me ask!" Mizue headed straight up to the stall front, happy to be depended on. "Oh well... actually it's a gift for my friend! Could I buy your last one?" "Sure!" And with that Mizue bought the golden salmon gift and presented it to his new found friend Coral.
"A-are you sure I can have it? Didn't you want one too?"
"Yeah, but I can wait! I hope that Phosray is here again at next year's festival too!"
A new found friend was more important than any item.

Submitted By Nalico
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago