[Trade] Tree of Love
Lotus smiled as she took the flowers out of the paper wrapping, then began to prepare to put them in the vase. First came making sure that there were no leaves that would be left in the water, and also making sure to trim the stems with her sharp claws.
“Roses, carnations, peonies,” Lotus said, looking through all the varying flowers. They were all beautiful and in bloom, and just at a glance Lotus could tell that Olwyn was telling the truth about making sure to pick the best from her personal garden. “They’re all beautiful,” Lotus adds, and Olwyn chuckles.
“I told you,” Olwyn says with smug grin, “I found quite the spell and potion to result in bountiful and beautiful flowers and other produce. Even in winter!” Her tail flicked to and fro, exhibiting her excitement about the matter.
“I remember you telling me about your experiments with them, so the latest batch worked, then? That’s awesome!”
Olwyn nodded excitedly. “Yeah—I can’t wait to see what this means for my business. Some ingredients are extremely rare, and very, very fickle!” She sighed dramatically. “If I have to go on a month’s journey to find the Leaves of Elysium again…” the exasperation was clear in her voice.
“Yeah… I know what you mean.” Although the reason why Lotus had a garden was definitely different from Olwyn, they definitely both cared deeply about plants, and often shared tips on how to take care of them. In fact, when they had met it was to share tips on how to take care of a specific tree.
Initially, they had thought it to be a sapling, but despite multiple repotting it and such it never seemed to grow that big. However, they continued to take care of it until it began to grow healthy again. Fertilizer was needed, as well as some experimentation with how much sun and water. Despite many hours of sitting down with books of plants and such, they could never find out what it was.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Lotus said, finally finishing up with taking care of each flower and putting them in a beautiful glass vase. As expected, the bouquet looked amazing in the vase with Lotus’ expert arrangement skills. “I have something to show you—it’s about the little sapling.”
Olwyn’s eyes seemed a bit concerned for a moment. “Is it doing okay?” The plant was quite fickle, and she was worried that it’s condition has declined since she had last seen it.
“No, not at all, actually quite the opposite. It’s been growing up quite well. It’s still basically the same size, but I think that’s just how it is. Just a small tree.” Lotus tilted her head, trying to think of how to explain it. “Well, it’ll be easier once you see it, that’s for sure.”
Olwyn smiled, motioning with a paw. “Lead the way, then. I’m excited to see the little thing—I wasn’t sure it’d make it when I first saw it. Especially since we had no idea what it was.” A brief pause. “Do you know what it is now?”
Lotus hummed thoughtfully as she led the way. “Hmmm, kind of? Or well, I have a guess.” She could feel Olwyn’s excitement without seeing it, and she chuckled softly.
“Here it is,” Lotus said as they entered a part of her greenhouse, revealing a small pink tree that she had pruned the leaves into a shape of a heart.
“Ah! So cute! It really looks so healthy now, and you pruned it so well,” Olwyn says, trotting over excitedly, looking it all over. It had small red berries growing among it’s leaves, surprising Olwyn further. “I had no idea that it was a tree that would grow fruit,” Olwyn admitted, and Lotus nodded.
“I was surprised too!” Lotus shifted her weight from side to side, before shyly adding. “It’s for you, by the way. It’s called the um- tree of love.”
Olwyn’s surprise showed clearly on their face, a soft blush rising to their cheeks. “Oh, I- well, thank you, I’ll be sure to take great care of it,” Olwyn stammers out, and Lotus grins at her.

Submitted By applebabbles
for A pair of lovebirds (Stelciar only)
Submitted: 1 year ago ・
Last Updated: 1 year ago